Our thoughts and feelings do in fact have measurable effect on every living system - Dr. Joe Dispenza
Recently I attended a live Love Machine event in Jacumba Hot Springs, CA. You can ready more about it at https://lovemachine.live/about/ . The experience was all about creativity exchange and peace gathering. The event included different styles of meditations, acro-yoga, breath work, sound bathing, dance performances, paintings, local musicians, wellness speakers and sunset to sunrise live music. This experience has given me more profound meaning about being united. If we all as a global community come together in the name of love, kindness, peace, joy and understanding, this would shift the whole energetic field in the world. We would better understand - to hurt another in any way, is hurting ourselves first.

Comparing ourselves to others, competing, resenting, fearing, financial gains from war and hunger has been around for many decades.
Who in the world wants to continue living this? Are we even aware of what consequences this is causing?
The initial change needs to start from OWN SELF. We have to understand how the brain and the heart are the center in the body. Leading with pure heart, leads to conscious mind, which leads to coherent decisions; it's all interconnected. When we are disconnected from our heart, our mind is also disconnected and we make dysfunctional decisions, which effects the Earth's electromagnetic field.
There are plenty of studies done on this. I am a prime example of experiencing a personal transformation and choosing to lead with my heart. Leading with integrity and moving beyond the past life-times. Remembering that my story could be someone else's inspirational courageous continuation guide is part of the reason why I decided to start publishing my journals.
If you are someone that is wanting to make measurable changes in life, I strongly recommend Dr. Joe's Dispenza mediations and books, https://drjoedispenza.com/collections/meditations
Much love, and remember to be kinder than you feel.
Journal 011