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Enemy within ourselves

That saying "keep your enemy closer"... kept me up reflecting yesterday.

Perhaps, I have a very different perspective on what this actually could possible be throwing energy towards. To self.

My analytic side of the mind, is very analytical. As I have been working in the financial professional world for the past 10 years, I am very attention to detail and all about finding solutions. When it comes to my creative side of the brain this is where I am most expressive, whether is through writing, fashion, painting, dancing, drawing, I feel much in a flow. very restless as I can do it all day long. This is where I don't have the need to be prefect, because I am enough as I am. Accepting a complete sense of being. This is where my vulnerability mostly shows, that feeling being in peace.

The reason for my journaling today is to give a little attention to our inner world and words. Attention to what we listen to, what we say, how we say it and our intentions behind what we are saying. Perhaps, by writing it down helps you underline some thoughts that is draining your energy.

So, with this being journaled "keeping the enemies closer" is actually false belief, reflecting of how once I used to think. I though most people I knew were my enemies, I felt at times taken for granted and undervalued; always had to prove a point. During my healing journey, this mindset started dissolving and actually attracting individuals that were much more intoned with their emotional intelligence. They inspired me to see the other side of what if that "enemy" is no longer allowed to enter my mind space? I became a friend with it.

I started nourishing the seeds that I am safe wherever I go and open to beautiful experiences and people with pure intentions and integrity. Complete transformation. I don't have the exact timeframe how long it took for this inner changing engineering of my thought to imprint the new seeds, but sure enough I feel strong in my heart that I am free from the fear of not being seen and unappreciated by someone.

Meeting that inner world of my heart was a path I have been seeking since my teenage years. It's okay to not fully understand where the journey is taking you. The importance of surrendering to the unknown and having an open mind, will bring the opportunities that are in alighnment with your frequency. Being patient with self, no need to rush anything. Just from my personal experience and talking to other Earth souls, the thought process starts the moment you give it that confirm signal "I am willing to do this, to better myself and find peace", everything starts changing.

Much love my dear readers, as Winter has a little feeling slow, it good time to reflect, rewrite your own story.



Journal 024

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